

2020-12-03 10:54:33 心情的文章 访问手机版




1.Alice_________ _________ me and waved.  爱丽丝向我微笑挥手。

2.Lucy was smiling _________  now./A broad smile _________ over Lucy's face. 露西春风满面。

3. Audiences _________ with laughter.  观众爆笑如雷。

4. The girls _________ _________ giving a little chuckle. 女孩子忍不住发出咯咯的笑声。

5. The boys tried_________ _________ _________ . 男孩子们努力不傻笑(/得意地笑/幸灾乐祸地笑)。

6. He managed a _________ smile. 他勉强地笑一笑。

7. Tony was laughing so hard he had to _________ _________ on the table. 托尼大笑到身体撑着桌子才站得稳。

8. He's one of the few writers who can make me _________ _________ loud.他是让我发出肺腑之笑的为数不多的作家之一。

9. He looked shocked, then _________ _________ _________ . 他先显得很震惊,紧接着忍不住笑了。

10. If you can't _________ _________ you'll have to leave the room.假如你不能停止大笑,那就离开这个房间。


1.Alice smiled at me and waved.  爱丽丝向我微笑挥手。

2.Lucy was smiling broadly now./A broad smile spread over Lucy's face. 露西春风满面。

3. Audiences roared with laughter.  观众爆笑如雷。

4. The girls couldn’t help giving a little chuckle. 女孩子忍不住发出咯咯的笑声。

5. The boys tried not to smirk. 男孩子们努力不傻笑(/得意地笑/幸灾乐祸地笑)。

6. He managed a faint smile. 他勉强地笑一笑。

7. Tony was laughing so hard he had to steady himself on the table. 托尼大笑到身体撑着桌子才站得稳。

8. He's one of the few writers who can make me laugh out loud.他是让我发出肺腑之笑的为数不多的作家之一。

9. He looked shocked, then burst into laughter. 他先显得很震惊,紧接着忍不住笑了。

10. If you can't stop giggling you'll have to leave the room.假如你不能停止大笑,那就离开这个房间。
