

2020-10-31 10:12:03 心情的文章 访问手机版


毛发竖立| One's hair stand on end

后颈毛竖立| The hairs on the back 
of one's neck prickle with fear

脸色苍白| One's face pales

双眼瞪圆| One's eyes grow wide

双目突出| One's eyes bulge with fear

OR| One's eyes pop out

紧闭双眼| keep one's eyes firmly shut

捂住双眼| cover one's eyes

瞳孔放大|One’s pupils dilate

牙齿颤抖| One's teeth chatter

尖叫| shriek/squeal in fright

声音颤抖| One's voice tremble/shake

深咽口水| swallow hard

倒吸一口凉气| gulp/gasp

屏住呼吸| hold one's breath

结结巴巴地说| stumble over words

语无伦次地说| sputter/splutter

Your body

蜷缩| cower against/behind/under...

退缩| shrink/flinch/recoil (away) at sth

紧贴墙| flatten oneself against the wall

鸡皮疙瘩| goosebumps grow all over sb

钻进被窝| creep/crawl under the cover

用被子捂住头| pull the cover over one's face

吓呆| freeze with terror

退到墙边| back against the wall

瘫坐| sink/collapse/crumple to the floor

肌肉僵硬| One's muscles tense up

后背发凉| feel a shiver down one's spine

Your leg/foot/hand

双腿发软| One's knees weaken

跪在地上| drop/sink to one's knees

跳起来| jump/spring/leap to one's feet

挪不动双腿| be glued/rooted to the spot

吓尿| wet oneself/one's pants

吓得后退| draw back in horror

掌心出汗| One's palms sweat

手捂胸口/嘴| press one's hands on 

the heart/mouth

血流加快| One's blood quickens/races/surges

血流停止| One's blood freezes/runs cold

血液凝固| One's blood congeals/clots

心咯噔一下| One's heart jolts

心猛地一跳| One's heart lurches

心跳加速| One's heart jumps/races/flutters

魂不附体| One's stomach be hollow with fear

心揪紧| One's stomach knots with fear
