
英语句子 描写身边日常2

2022-12-02 09:24:47 家庭的文章 访问手机版

英语句子 描写身边日常2

1. 今天是小雪。我很早就醒了,然后我起床了。

Today is xiaoxue (Minor Snow) which is the second solar term in the winter in China.

I woke up early and then I got up.

2. 一切都很顺利

Everything goes well. All is well.
It goes fine/great.
顺利一般是go well,smooth一般作形容词加在名词前面。
Smooth transition 顺利过渡
smooth progress 进展顺利
smooth exhibition 参展顺利
smooth clearance 顺利清关

3. 突然对力量有了更多的渴望,渴望掌控自己的身体,掌控自己的心态。渴望自己能内心坚定。

Suddenly there was a greater desire for power, a desire to be in control of your body, to be in control of your mind. A desire to be strong within myself.
So that I can go through and endure more without getting lost again.

long for渴望
(关在小黑屋里,会感到度日如年,时间很长long, 渴望见到外面的人和事物)
We all long for a happy life.  我们都向往幸福的生活。
I think you long for an unconventional life.

4.  我要投诉,我订阅的服务要等到下个月才过期,那你们怎么现在就扣我的费用了,还没有到期呢。
I want to make a complain, the service I subscribed does not expire until next month, why do you debit my credit card now.  It is still not due.
Please refund me my money.
Is there anything else which I can do?
I won't subscribe to it anymore.
I would like to complain that my subscription is not due until next month, so why are you charging my credit card now. It still hasn't expired.

How would you introduce and describe your company?

6. 无论最后你是否选择我们的产品,我们都可以交朋友。
Whether you choose our prodcut in the end or not, we can make friends.

7.  我已经退休了,目前从事健康事业,需要很多优秀的人才。


I have retired and I am currently engaged in health business which needs many good talents.
If your friends or you would like to join us, no matter full time or part time, please contact me freely.
OK No problem. If there is a chance, I will recommend you. 
I am retired and currently in the health business and need a lot of good people.
If you have a friend or you would like to join us, either full time or part time, please feel free to contact me.

8. 你把时间花在什么样的地方,决定了你成为什么样的人。
Where you spend your time determines what kind of a person you become.

No one can decide how your life goes.

And no one can live your life for you.

If you find your life not perfect enough, the only thing you should complain about is that you didn't try hard enough.

Only the weak complain about others.

The strong focus on how to become stronger.

Complaining is the ugliest trash in this world.

9.  今天早上下了入冬以来的第一场雪。尽管我们今天起得很早,但是因为下雪交通拥挤,路上走得比较慢,我还是迟到了。

It snowed lightly this morning, and it is the first snowfall since the beginning of this Winter. We got up early this morning, but I was still late for work due to the heavy traffic, slow moving after the snow.

10. Tina犯了一个严重错误,不该邀请他来,她不知道如何摆脱他。
Tina had made a serious mistake in inviting him up here, and she didn't know how to get rid of him.
