




a round face, a wide mouth, two big dark eyes, a pair of sharp eyes/thick eyebrows, long fingers, a strong body, neither tall nor short, a gentle/weak/wide smile …


1. My sister smiled, her eyes full of laughter.
2. Little Diana stood there, white-faced and breathless.
3. Lily was late for class, her hair wet and messy.
4. The new classmate is tall, with long black hair shining in the sunlight.
5. My foreign teacher has two dark brown eyes under a pair of thick eyebrows.


1. 贝蒂非常高兴,脸上露出温柔的微笑。(spread over)
2. 比利高大挺拔,脸庞年轻俊美。(独立主格结构)
3. 尽管教练很失望,但还是勉强露出一个淡淡的微笑。(in spite of)
4. 妈妈默默地盯着我,什么也没说。(现在分词作状语)
5. 听到这个消息,我姐姐的脸变白了,泪水顺着双颊滚落下来。(with复合结构)

1. Betty became very happy and a gentle smile spread over her face.
2. Billy is tall and straight, his face young and handsome.
3. In spite of his disappointment, the coach managed a weak smile.
4. Mom stared at me silently, saying nothing.
5. My sister’s face turned white at the news, with tears rolling down her cheeks.